2024 China Blue Collar Talent Development Report
Release date:2024-06-08
Author/Source:China headhunter
Guide reading:China headhunter released the "Hot Talent Market Snapshot in the First Quarter of 2024 " based on the platform's big data and questionnaire research data to provide reference for job seekers and employers.

In the first quarter of 2024, China's economic situation is stable and improving, and at the same time, some new changes are occurring, such as the growth of service consumption is better than that of commodity consumption, the "sinking " market is active, and Al technology is developing rapidly. In order to understand the dynamics of the job market and the cognitive situation of the workplace under these trends, Henderson Executive released the "Hot Talent Market Snapshot in the First Quarter of 2024 " based on the platform's big data and questionnaire research data to provide reference for job seekers and employers.


[Core findings]


I. Industry highlights: consumption of services

Transportation, logistics, food and beverage, tourism and other consumer services sectors led the recruitment growth rate.

The public consumption concept is changing, pay more attention to experience-based consumption Top 10 List of Returning Talent Gaps in the Teaching and Learning Industry.


II. Career highlights: blue-collar jobs

Blue-collar jobs shine, hiring scale and hiring salary both rise 60% of the workforce optimistic about the prospects for blue-collar employment, blue-collar skills and diversity are expected to increase.

Half of the workforce wants to work in blue-collar careers, with more willingness among the post-00s Industrial Robotics System Operator is the most interesting new blue-collar career in the workforce.


III. Geographical highlights: third- and fourth-tier cities

The number of job openings in third-tier cities and below increased by 13.3% year-on-year, and talent stickiness increased.

More than 60% of the workforce believe that talent "sinking " will be the trend in the next five years.

More than half of the workforce is willing to go to small cities, first-tier cities "sink " willingness to stronger.


IV. Hot topic: AI technology development

Natural Language Processing Talent Demand Increases 126% Year-on-Year, Average Monthly Salary $24,535 More than 40% of the workforce uses or learns AI at work, with higher levels of AI usage among those with higher education levels.

Workplace attitudes toward AI tend to be more rational, with less overly fearful or optimistic sentiment.

[Text of the report]


I. Industry highlights: consumption of services

Transportation, logistics, food and beverage, tourism and other consumer services sectors led the recruitment growth rate

According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), in January-February this year, the retail sales of services increased by 12.3%  year-on-year, with a higher growth rate than the total retail sales of consumer goods (5.5%). The faster growth of service consumption has driven the recruitment of talents in related industries. Wisdom Union Recruitment.

Hire data show that in the first quarter, logistics / warehousing, hotels / restaurants, traffic/transportation, 

tourism/vacation and other services and consumption-related industries, the number of jobs year-on-year growth rate of 30.4%, 24.7%, 16.9%, 15.2%, ranked in the top four industries.

The number of new energy/electrical/power jobs in the first quarter grew at a year-on-year rate of 5.9% , but lower than 

that of 14% in the fourth quarter of last year. After experiencing a rapid progress, the new energy industry has been 

undergoing in-depth adjustment and industrial upgrading since last year, accelerating the   elimination of the fittest, 

and thus the industry's demand for talents is also adjusting synchronously.

At the same time, thanks to the national policy incentive to develop new quality productivity, the country is   accelerating 

the construction of a modern industrial system supported by advanced manufacturing industry, and the demand for related 

talents is also expanding rapidly. In the first quarter of this year, the year-on-year growth rates of the number of jobs in the 

automobile/motorcycle, processing and manufacturing, and large equipment/electromechanical equipment/heavy industry 

sectors in the manufacturing sector were 12.8% , 8.8% and 4.8%,respectively, all of which were shortlisted in the TOP10 

growth rate list.

Top 10 Industries with Year-on-Year Growth Rate of Job Openings in 2024Q1


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The public consumption concept is changing, pay more attention to experience-based consumption

The rapid development of the service consumption field has driven the release of talent demand and reflected the change 

of the current public consumption concept. The research of Wisdom Union Recruitment for job marketers shows that in 

the face of the status quo that service consumption growth is better than commodity consumption, 50.7% of the 

interviewed job marketers believe that people's consumption concept is changing, and pay more attention to 

experiencetype consumption, which accounts for the highest proportion. Secondly, 48.8% of the workplace people 

think that the consumption level is downgrading and entering the "low desire era ". 36.5% think that consumption 

is developing towards personalization and diversification, and 20% think  that this is the result of upgrading of 

consumption structure. It can be seen that the workplace people generally recognize the transformation ofthe 

concept ofconsumption, commodity consumption "downgrading" at the same time, the workplace people on 

the service consumption of recognition and demand enhancement, which further pull the development of the 

field of service consumption and the growth of demand for talent, has a virtuous cycle significance.

How the workforce views the increased willingness to consume services


Copyright @2024 Guagnzhou recruitment agency all rights reserved

Top 10 List of Returning Talent Gaps in the Teaching and Learning Industry

In terms of Employment Prosperity, in the first quarter of 2024, the top-ranked industry in the CIER Index. (Employment Prosperity Index) is still Professional Services/Consulting. 

Entertainment/Sports/Leisure,Hotel/Restaurant, Logistics/Warehousing and other consumer service industries ranked second, third and sixth 

with a CIER Index of 3.04, 2.68, 2.30 respectively. 

Besides, education/peichuan//institutions and funds/securities/futures/investments entered the top ten. 

After  several years of adjustment, the education and training industry is gradually entering the track of standardized and steady operation. At the same time, 

new policies such as the Regulations on the Administration of Off-Campus Training (Draft for Public Opinion) and other offcampus training policies have released clearer and more 

stable policy signals, which boosted market confidence and led to an increase in the industry's employment boom, returning to the TOP 10 industries in the CIER Index.

2024Q1 Employment Prosperity Index Top 10 Industries


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Blue-collar jobs shine, hiring scale and hiring salary both rise

In the first quarter of this year, more frontline blue-collar jobs were released in the service and manufacturing industries as the service consumption sector heated up rapidly and manufacturing factories resumed work and production 

after the Chinese New Year. Packers ranked first among all occupations with a 198% year-on-year  job growth rate, followed 

by passenger and cargo drivers/riders, with a year-on-year job growth of 71.5%.

Blue-collar jobs such as general laborers/technicians, housekeeping/maintenance, delivery and stocking, and machinery and 

equipment maintenance all grew at a rate of more than 12%, and ranked in the TOP20 list. 

While the demand for blue-collar jobs is growing, the salary increase is also very considerable. According to the 

"China Enterprise Recruitment Salary Report " released by Wisdomlink Recruitment in the first quarter of 2024, in the first 

quarter of this year, the year-on-year increase in the recruitment salary of blue-collar jobs in the domestic service/maintenance, 

sports and fitness, hotel services, tourism services, health and beauty, catering services and other life services was more than 10%; 

the recruitment salary of blue-collar jobs in the manufacturing category such as general laborers/skilled laborers, 

warehousing and management, and apparel/textile/leather manufacturing was also around 10%. The recruitment salary of blue-collar jobs in general laborers/technicians, warehouse management and garment/textile/leather manufacturing and other production and 

manufacturing categories also increased by about 10%.

Top 20 Occupations with Year-over-Year Growth in Job Openings in 2024Q1


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60% of the workforce optimistic about the prospects for blue-collar employment, blue-collar skills and diversity are expected to increase

The workplace's view of blue-collar careers is also shifting. Zhiliang recruitment research shows that 58% of the interviewed workplace people 

optimistic about the blue-collar employment prospects, 40.8% think that with the penetration of AI and other technologies, there will be more 

blue-collar occupations with technical content; 34.5% think that there will be more novelty, suitable for young people's blue-collar occupations; 

24.2% believe blue-collar salary and treatment will be getting better and better. This shows that people in the workplace are gradually breaking 

the stereotype that blue-collar jobs are labor-intensive, and have high hopes for new blue-collar occupations that are technical and youthful.

At the same time, there are some interviewees who are not optimistic about the prospects of blue-collar careers due to stability, development 

space, social status and other reasons.  It is believed that the stability of blue-collar jobs is insufficient, 18.3% believe that the social status of 

blue-collar workers needs to be improved, and 17.4% believe that blue-collar workers have limited space for development.

Are job seekers optimistic about the job prospects of blue-collar careers


Copyright @2024 Guagnzhou recruitment agency Henderson Executive all rights reserved

Half of the workforce would like to work in blue-collar careers, with more willingness among the post-00s

When it comes to whether they are willing to engage in blue-collar careers, 19.7% of the interviewed workplaces indicated that they are 

"very willing" and 32.2% indicated that they are "relatively willing ", totaling 51.9% of the interviewed workplaces are willing to choose 

blue-collar jobs. Those who explicitly indicated that they were 6.8%of"relatively unwilling " and 5.6% of "very unwilling " . It  can be seen 

that workplace people are optimistic about the prospects of blue-collar career development, and at the same time, they are actively 

considering going to bluecollar positions for employment.


Whether or not the workforce would like to pursue a blue-collar career


Copyright @2024 China recruitment agency Henderson Executive all rights reserved


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